
2nd March (Quinquagesima)
8:30amSteeple MordenBCP Holy Communion
10:00amLitlingtonHoly Communion w/ AP
10:30amGuilden MordenHoly Communion
5th March (Ash Wednesday)
19:00pmSteeple MordenGroup Communion and Ashing
9th March (Lent 1)
10:00amGuilden MordenGroup Communion
16th March (Lent 2)
8:30amWendyHoly Communion
10:00amAbington PigottsFamily Service w/ Litlington
10:00amSteeple MordenChildren’s Informal Service
10:30amGuilden MordenUnited Service at GM Chapel
23rd March (Lent 3)
10:00amLitlingtonGroup Communion
30th March (Lent 4/ Mothering Sunday/ Laetare)
10:00amWendyGroup Communion
6th April (Lent 5/ Passiontide)
8:30amWendyHoly Communion
10:00amLitlingtonHoly Communion w/ AP
10:30amGuilden MordenHoly Communion
13th April (Palm Sunday)
10:00pmSteeple MordenGroup Communion w/ Procession
17th April (Maundy Thursday/ Easter Triduum)
19:00pmLitlingtonGroup Communion/foot washing
18th April (Good Friday)
10:00amGuilden MordenWalk of Witness
14:00pmAbington PigottsGood Friday Reflective Service
20th April (Easter Sunday)
10:00amAbington PigottsHoly Communion
10:00amSteeple MordenHoly Communion
27th April (Easter 2)
10:00amAbington PigottsGroup Communion
10:30amGuilden MordenUnited Service at the Chapel
10:00amSteeple MordenHoly Communion