
July/August letter

Do you remember as a child, kneeling down by your bed, hands clasped, to say your prayers? I can just about remember that far back but I do have fond memories of encouraging my own children to do the same, gently introducing the ideal of daily prayers to them by snuggling them into me and suggesting …

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June Letter

One of the privileges of my role in the church is that I get to walk alongside people at some of the really important events of their lives. At the birth of a child, there is much to celebrate. There are often many things to think about, and for some families having their child Christened …

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May Letter

Easter in Guilden Morden this year was very special, because, after three years of pandemic restrictions, we were finally able to return to some semblance of normality. It was a moving experience to walk with the cross through the village on Good Friday, singing hymns at various points. A week earlier, our Palm Sunday service …

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March letter

“He who moves not forward, goes backward.” (J W von Goethe) Change.  We so often resist it. Sometimes passively, just hoping that by doing nothing, the call for change will disappear.  Sometimes actively, by pushing against it, fighting all that compels us to be different. Yet often, a different approach can have beneficial consequences. When …

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February letter

“See how these Christians love one another!” By the time this edition of Prospect has been distributed but after the time of writing, the 2023 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU) will have been and gone. Officially it runs from 18-25 January and most services take place on the Sunday, but this year the …

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December/January letter

The Season of Advent is here again. It includes the four Sundays before Christmas and this year began on Sunday November 27th.  Advent means “coming” or “arrival”.  Special hymns are sung and Bible  verses read that prophesied Jesus’ coming; describe his birth; and speak of his return – the Second Coming.  For Christians, this is a …

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Letter from our villages

Do you ever stop and think how very privileged we are to be living in this country? It’s very unlikely that anyone here wakes up in the morning, finds a bucket and then walks a mile or more to fetch water. Unfortunately, huge numbers of people in the world have to do just that. Most …

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Rector’s Letter

I hope you enjoyed the events for the Platinum Jubilee, both national and local. Locally there were a lot of things organised across these villages. I wasn’t able to be at all of them, but I enjoyed the impressive flowers in Steeple Morden church, the excellent exhibition about the 1950s in Guilden Morden church, and …

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Litlington Fete

After a break of two years, the annual church fete returns to Litlington on the Spring Bank Holiday Monday. With the action kicking off at 12.30pm, the event will have all the usual stalls, promising an afternoon of traditional fun and games for all the family.